Me Made May 2021
I first discovered Me Made May, hosted by Zoe about six years ago. I had not long been sewing, and only had a couple of me made items in my wardrobe. My challenge was to wear one handmade item a…
Sky Blanket: March Update
Last Wednesday was the last day of March, and the last day before my kids broke up for the Easter holidays. They have only been back at school for three weeks and three days, but we were all so ready…
Pattern Test: A Bespoke Doggie Jumper
My dog doesn’t shed so has his haircut regularly (more regularly than me!). He always makes me feel guilty when he comes out and shivers. I’ve alway said that I should make him a jumper, but never quite got round…
Latest Make: Woodland Wanderer
Over the last few weeks, spring has definitely sprung. The evenings are getting lighter, and some days it actually feels warm. Plus, British Summer Time has just started, so that means summer is just around the corner. Hopefully. Last week…
Lockdown Blanket Is Complete
What a year it has been. There have been yarn shortages, heat waves and wrong colours. Throw in a global pandemic, lockdowns and homeschooling and I think it’s fair to say that the last twelve months have been a bit…
Busy Hands
Remember when I made my making plans at the start of the year? One of my challenges was to make something (or at least do something crafty) every day. I have managed to do some crochet pretty much every day.…
Latest Make: Driftwood Dolman
Right back at the beginning of the year, I had so many plans for things I wanted to sew. I was fully motivated and looking forward to achieving some of my making goals. And then lockdown came. Homeschooling and sewing…
Sky Blanket: February Update
It is hard to believe that a whole month has passed since my last post. I had so many plans for posts, but somehow have not managed to write them. I blame homeschooling, as I have lost my computer to…
January In Blanket Form
After approximately eleven years, January is finally over. What a month it has been: full national lockdown (again) and homeschooling on top of what is already January. Gah. I have always known that sewing and crochet are good for my…
Scrap Busting Sewing
This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase I may earn a few pennies, but without any additional cost to you. One of my favourite things to come out of lockdown has been…