Sky Blanket Update
I realised the other day that I really need to share a sky blanket update, as my previous one was a little while ago. In fact, I just checked and my last post was almost exactly four months ago about…
Sky Blanket May Update
As we are already a week in to June, I thought I should probably share my sky blanket May update. For those of you who have been following along, you will know that I was being really good and keeping…
Sky Blanket April Update
I cannot believe we are now in May. The first few weeks of the year seemed to drag on endlessly, obviously not helped by the weather and lockdown. But now, suddenly we’re here. One third of the year done. And…
Sky Blanket: March Update
Last Wednesday was the last day of March, and the last day before my kids broke up for the Easter holidays. They have only been back at school for three weeks and three days, but we were all so ready…
Lockdown Blanket Is Complete
What a year it has been. There have been yarn shortages, heat waves and wrong colours. Throw in a global pandemic, lockdowns and homeschooling and I think it’s fair to say that the last twelve months have been a bit…
Sky Blanket: February Update
It is hard to believe that a whole month has passed since my last post. I had so many plans for posts, but somehow have not managed to write them. I blame homeschooling, as I have lost my computer to…
January In Blanket Form
After approximately eleven years, January is finally over. What a month it has been: full national lockdown (again) and homeschooling on top of what is already January. Gah. I have always known that sewing and crochet are good for my…
Another Lockdown Blanket Update
It has been a while, but as we are now in lockdown again, I feel it is time for another lockdown blanket update. Much like 2020 itself, the making of this blanket has posed questions and dilemmas. The biggest problem…
Sky Blanket 2021 is GO!
In case you missed it, 2020 is finally over. This can only mean one thing: my sky blanket 2021 is GO! Really, that is probably the only thing that changed with the new year. We are in tier four, my…
Sky Blanket 2021
A few weeks ago I started thinking about doing a sky blanket next year. Since then the sky has been putting on a pretty amazing show, almost as if it is telling me that I absolutely must do a sky…