Me Made May 2021
I first discovered Me Made May, hosted by Zoe about six years ago. I had not long been sewing, and only had a couple of me made items in my wardrobe. My challenge was to wear one handmade item a week throughout May. Since then my Me Made wardrobe has grown significantly, and each year my challenge has grown with it. As April is drawing to a close, it is time to decide what my pledge will be for Me Made May 2021.
During Me Made May last year, I challenged myself to wear something handmade each day, plus two complete me made outfit per week. I loved the challenge, especially as we were two months into lockdown. Me Made May gave me a reason to put on actual clothes each day, and even spurred me on to make some new ones.
This year I want to stretch the challenge. I have slipped into the rut of wearing the same few items in my wardrobe on rotation. One of my goals at the beginning of the year was to make clothes to fill gaps in my wardrobe. Me Made May is a great way of finding those gaps. (Let’s all just ignore the fact that I still haven’t made the Ginger Jeans that I say I will make every year…). Last week I started a new job working part time in a school. I haven’t been in school since I left teaching in 2016, so my work wardrobe is a bit lacking. I already know I will need to sew myself some work clothes, which is really just a good excuse to go fabric shopping.
My pledge
‘I, Rosie, pledge to wear something handmade every day, and at least three full me made outfits per week throughout May 2021’
My ten year old has been doing a lot of sewing over the last year, and has decided that she wants to join in with Me Made May 2021 too. She is aiming to wear something she (or failing that, I) have made every weekend day throughout May.
As ever I will bore you keep you posted with our progress throughout the month.

Sky Blanket: March Update
