Me Made May 2022 Week four
My Me Made May 2022 week four has been an interesting one. I have had a couple of days that have required a particular outfit, which limited my scope for a full me made one. I think I have managed…
Me Made May 2022 week two
Me Made May 2022 week two was a proper mixed bag. One day was baking hot, the next it was like February again. It means that I am properly testing out my entire me made wardrobe though, so I am…
Me Made May 2022
I think this may be my favourite time of year. The world is springing into life and turning green, there is warmth in the sunshine, and Me Made May is just around the corner. I regularly wear my handmade clothes…
Crovember 2021
Autumn is very definitely with us here in the UK. I love every season, but I think autumn might actually be my favourite. Crisp sunny days, blankets, fires, Strictly. What’s not to like? Plus, for the last couple of years…
Sky Blanket Update
I realised the other day that I really need to share a sky blanket update, as my previous one was a little while ago. In fact, I just checked and my last post was almost exactly four months ago about…
Sky Blanket May Update
As we are already a week in to June, I thought I should probably share my sky blanket May update. For those of you who have been following along, you will know that I was being really good and keeping…
Latest Make: Granny Go Round Jumper
At the beginning of the year I wrote my making plans for 2021. The first item on the list was “fill gaps in my wardrobe“. Very shortly after that I realised that I don’t have a plain back woolly jumper.…
Sky Blanket April Update
I cannot believe we are now in May. The first few weeks of the year seemed to drag on endlessly, obviously not helped by the weather and lockdown. But now, suddenly we’re here. One third of the year done. And…
Sky Blanket: March Update
Last Wednesday was the last day of March, and the last day before my kids broke up for the Easter holidays. They have only been back at school for three weeks and three days, but we were all so ready…
Pattern Test: A Bespoke Doggie Jumper
My dog doesn’t shed so has his haircut regularly (more regularly than me!). He always makes me feel guilty when he comes out and shivers. I’ve alway said that I should make him a jumper, but never quite got round…