Busy Hands
Remember when I made my making plans at the start of the year? One of my challenges was to make something (or at least do something crafty) every day. I have managed to do some crochet pretty much every day. Between my lockdown blanket, sky blanket and a granny go round jumper that I started a few weeks ago, I have had pretty busy hands.
Sewing has been harder, mostly due to lockdown and homeschooling. I did manage to make myself a couple of jumpers a few weeks ago in between demands for snacks and help with fractions. The kids went back to school last week and I had lots of sewing plans lined up ready.
What I didn’t factor in to any of my making plans was me being a clutz. On Saturday I managed to stumble whilst cleaning out the chickens. I put my hand down to break my fall and watched my thumb bend the wrong way. I thought maybe I had dislocated it and was relieved it had popped back in. A few hours, a trip to minor injuries and some X-rays later, I discovered I have actually fractured my wrist.

No more crochet for me then, at least not for a few weeks. I’m hoping that I might be able to manage some sewing once the pain and swelling ease. I will need the kids to cut the fabric for me, but I reckon I should be able to manage the overlocker one handed. What could possibly go wrong?
I am really, really missing my crochet. It makes me feel productive while I am sitting on the sofa watching tv. Not having busy hands is a really weird feeling. Any suggestions of how to craft one handed, with your non dominant hand will be gratefully received.
