Latest make: Jubilee Stevie Top
This year in the UK we are celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. She hit the seventy year anniversary back in February, but the actual celebrations are all planned for next week. Because next week is half term, we are learning about the jubilee at school this week. Last weekend I had a brainwave and remembered this fabric that I have had in my stash for years.
If ever there was a time to use it, surely it is now.
Initially I thought it might become some luna pants, but the rest of my family said that would be too much. I settled on a dress and found myself a pattern. What I didn’t factor in was the shrinkage after I pre-washed the fabric. I had had enough fabric when it came out of the stash. It was significantly shorter after the wash, meaning I could no longer make the dress. This is why you should always pre-wash your fabric people.
Time for a quick rethink, and I remembered a pattern I bought during the first lockdown to sew with my niece. It is time to introduce you to my latest make – a jubilee Stevie top.
I have absolutely no idea where I bought this fabric from because it was eight years ago! It is a Rose and Hubble fabric (I know that much from the selvedge).
I was limited on time to sew this week, so decided to just go with the pattern as is. For once in my life I did all the understitching etc and I am so glad I did. Note to self: it definitely makes a difference and is totally worth spending time doing. Even doing all the bits I normally skip, this was a really quick sew. I think total sewing time was 1.5 hours.
Next time…
I really really need to remember that I should add length to pretty much everything I make. This Stevie top is long enough when I am standing or sitting. It is not a top suitable for wearing when, off the top of my head, doing a new display board in the class room.
I love my jubilee Stevie top though. It is super comfy to wear, and the bow at the back is a lovely feature. It will get a lot of wear over the next couple of weeks. I am so glad I remembered this fabric was in my stash.