Making Plans for 2021
Usually, at this time of year I like to set myself some goals and start thinking of things I would like to achieve or do before December. I don’t make resolutions, as I know I will just fail within a couple of weeks and that will be that. Instead I like to think of targets, things to try for, rather than things to stop.
This year is slightly different. We are currently in lockdown for at least another four weeks. If I am honest I am working on the basis that it will be a lot longer. With that in mind it is hard to make plans for the year. Who knows if we will be able to go to visit friends and family in the summer, let alone go on holiday? So instead I have been busy making my making plans for 2021.
Last year I set myself a make nine list. Whilst it was partially successful, I am not sure 2021 will be the year for 100% attainment. Instead I have decided to set myself more general goals for my making this year.
Fill Gaps In My Wardrobe
I am determined to try and make all the new clothes I need this year (apart from my t-shirts from the yay makers). There are some things I need to replace in my wardrobe, plus a few pre existing gaps. Top of my list of things I need to make rather than want to make are plain long-sleeved t-shirts and some plain vests for layering. A couple of pairs of my jeans are unlikely to see the year out, so I am hoping that 2021 will be the year I finally brave making some.
Repurpose Old Clothes
I try very hard to be as environmentally friendly with my making as I can. I use almost every last scrap of fabric, either for pants and socks, or for stuffing. This year I am going to try to reuse and repurpose old clothes as much as I can. Some might become dusters or hankies, but others might be made into something new and wearable. Watch this space.
Use My Stash
Over the years I have acquired quite a stash of both fabric and yarn. This year I will shop from my stash instead of online. Or at least I will try to…

Use Woven Fabric More
Over the last three years I have mostly been sewing with stretch fabrics. Using the overlocker makes making things so very quick and easy, that I have, at times, actively found ways to use it instead of the regular sewing machine.

However, last autumn, I was lucky enough to be able to upgrade my machine to a really lovely new one. I would love to get to know it properly, and the only way to do that is to use it.
Craft (almost) Everyday
I have always know that making things is good for my mental health. This has never been more apparent than during the last ten months. My sky blanket is well underway, and so far I am keeping up with the one square per day. Making myself sit and have a few minutes of peace to crochet everyday has really helped with the current lockdown. I need to try and do something every day, or at least most days, if I can.
So there you go, my crafting goals for this year. What are your making plans for 2021?

Another Lockdown Blanket Update
