February Stitch Journal
I have had so many ideas for blog posts over the last few weeks, yet spectacularly failed to write any of them. Hopefully I will get some time in the next couple of weeks to share what I have been…
Stitch Journal
I was really really hoping that I would be writing my first post of 2022 and it would be about my sky blanket progress. Sadly, that was not to be. Although I am making progress, it’s slow. I may still…
Crovember 2021
Autumn is very definitely with us here in the UK. I love every season, but I think autumn might actually be my favourite. Crisp sunny days, blankets, fires, Strictly. What’s not to like? Plus, for the last couple of years…
Sky Blanket Update
I realised the other day that I really need to share a sky blanket update, as my previous one was a little while ago. In fact, I just checked and my last post was almost exactly four months ago about…
Sky Blanket May Update
As we are already a week in to June, I thought I should probably share my sky blanket May update. For those of you who have been following along, you will know that I was being really good and keeping…
Me Made May 2021 Week Four (and a day)
If you were to look back through my blog posts, you would notice that in previous years I have failed to complete my Me Made May posts. I have always completed the challenge, just not written about them. Not so…
Latest Make: Granny Go Round Jumper
At the beginning of the year I wrote my making plans for 2021. The first item on the list was “fill gaps in my wardrobe“. Very shortly after that I realised that I don’t have a plain back woolly jumper.…
Me Made May 2021 Week Three
I don’t know about you, but I am so very glad May is over. It has been so grey and miserable it could almost have been January. I have so many me made clothes that I haven’t been able to…
Me Made May 2021 Week Two
If it wasn’t for Me Made May, I would have thought we had missed May and skipped straight to November. My time hop helpfully tells me that this time last year I was wearing vest tops and flip flops. Come…
Me Made May 2021 Week one (and a bit)
May is one of my favourite months. The days are getting longer, and it (usually) means the weather is getting warmer. Not this year though. My time hop helpfully shows me that this time last year I was wearing vest…