Me Made May 2021 Week Three
I don’t know about you, but I am so very glad May is over. It has been so grey and miserable it could almost have been January. I have so many me made clothes that I haven’t been able to wear yet this year due to the lack of sunshine and warmth. I think this is probably why it has taken me so long to write this post. That’s my excuse anyway. Whatever, it’s time to tell you what I wore during Me Made May 2021 week three.
Monday 17th May
I try to start the week with a full me made outfit. Today I wore my trusty apron dress and a long sleeved cuppa tee.

Tuesday 18th May
Today I wore a skirt I had forgotten about. This is why Me Made May is so brilliant. It makes you rummage at the back of your wardrobe and rediscover clothes you haven’t worn for a while. I made this Rosari skirt a couple of years ago. Its properly short, so I can only wear it in winter with leggings. I want to make another one with additional length so that it’s not so risky to wear in summer! On my top half I wore a Kirsten kimono tee.

Wednesday 19th May
I spectacularly failed to get a picture today (this one is from a couple of years ago), so you’ll just have to take my word for it that I wore my shark hot coffee hoody. It was one of the first items of clothing I made on my overlocker without the supervision of someone who knew what they were doing. It was also one of the first non monochrome items I made for myself. Sewing has definitely introduced more colour into my wardrobe!

Thursday 20th May
As if to prove my point about sewing introducing more colour into my wardrobe, today I wore my brand new driftwood dolman. A few years ago I would never have worn a bright yellow jumper. Now I have two in my wardrobe (both driftwoods). Today’s one has zebras on it, because why not.

Friday 21st May
My sushi socks were my me made item today. I made these just before lockdown started last year using the free pattern from Ellie and Mac. These are such a great way to use up scraps of fabric, and I really should make more.

Saturday 22nd May
It is nearly the end of May, and by rights I should be wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Instead I am wearing tights and cardigans, with a cactus coco top.

Sunday 23rd May
Finishing the week with a fully me made outfit. Today the lander shorts made a return, together with my hedgehog cuppa tee and a sundowner hoody.

So that neatly wraps up Me Made May 2021 week three. Another three fully me made outfits, plus some items I had forgotten about. Win, win.