Me Made May 2019 Week 3
Goodness me, May is flying by. In our house it has been dominated by birthdays and year 6 SATs, both of which have happened during this week. It was a relief to hit the weekend, that’s for sure! And now, it’s time to look back over Me Made May 2019 week 3, and see what I wore.
Monday 13th May
This tunic top is one of the first proper items of clothing I made from myself. It’s a pattern from the first Great British Sewing Bee book, and features an exposed zip down the back. I would show you the back view, but it was my first ever zip, and it’s not that pretty. Wearable, but not pretty. The fabric is pretty though, don’t you think?
Tuesday 14th May
My feather Spoxxy Tank made a second appearance because of the lovely sunshine we’ve been having. I think I may add a couple more to my wardrobe this year as they’re such great summer top. I might even make one that isn’t monochrome this time.
Wednesday 15th May
One of the things I love about Me Made May is that it makes me remember all the things I have made and forget to wear. This Cleo dress from Tilly and The Buttons is one of those; she’s been tucked up in my wardrobe for months until today. I really must remember to wear it more.
Thursday 16th May
This week I managed to wear my entire Me Made outfit before the weekend. Go me! Unfortunately I failed to take a photo of me wearing it. My trusty Penelope Pinafore made another appearance, this time paired with a Kirsten Kimono tee. In fact, it looks almost exactly the same as my entire me made outfit from week one, except the horse top had short sleeves this time.
Friday 17th May
Something happened to the sunshine today, and it felt decidedly cold. While it was disappointing to not be able to wear my birkenstocks, it did give me an opportunity to wear my Stardust top from Halla Patterns. I had to take a picture of it on the hanger though – it was covered up by a jumper for most of the day thanks to the lack of warmth. Come back summer!
Saturday 18th May
Still no sunshine, so the Rosari skirt made another appearance. The good news is that I have managed to get another button so it is now actually complete. I am loving this skirt, and think I need to add at least another two to my wardrobe.
Sunday 19th May
The sun came back! Well, at least for the morning. This Kirsten Kimono tee was the first thing I made using stretch fabric. It was at a learn to sew jersey class, and I remember being so scared of the overlocker I refused to use it. Oh, how times have changed! This top is so far from perfect, but I love it as it shows me how far I have come as a sewer. Plus, it’s super useful for wearing under dungarees.
So, Me Made May 2019 week 3 was another success. At least in terms of wearing me made items, not so much in terms of taking photos of me wearing them. Additional challenge for week 4: take pictures.
I have used links to the pattern designer’s own pages throughout this post. I am not rewarded if you click them, I just like to share the love.