Happy Stitch Project
You may or may not have noticed that I have recently been getting into embroidery. Last year I saw Claire doing her Happy Stitch Project on instagram. It was lovely to watch her progress, and I often thought how much I would like to be taking part. However, I found the project late in the year and was so behind on my sky blanket that it didn’t seem like a good idea. Imagine my delight, then, when I discovered that I could sign up for the Happy Stitch project online course for free! It helped that I was still so far behind on my sky blanket that one more project wasn’t going to make too much difference.
A new video tutorial is added to my account every Friday, and it is rapidly becoming my favourite part of the week. Over the course of the year, I will learn 53 embroidery stitches. A couple have already been put into practise in my stitch journal.
I have chosen to use four shades of the same colour to complete my sampler. So far I am really pleased with how it is looking.

One of my favourite discoveries through doing both the happy stitch project and my stitch journal is that pilot frixxion pen ink disappears when you blast it with the hair dryer. At the end of the year all those black lines will magically disappear.
So far, thanks to the happy stitch project I have learned:
- Straight stitch
- Back stitch
- French knots
- Satin stitch
- link stitch
- lazy daisy
- fern stitch
- herringbone stitch
- arrowhead stitch
- stem stitch
I am so excited to be learning embroidery. It is something I genuinely thought I would never be any good at. My stitches aren’t the neatest, but practise makes perfect, right?

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